Product design for the 110 Open Lab
Location: 110 Mallorca
Date: June 2024
Curator: Chiara Ferrari
Design: isla (Marta Colón de Carvajal, Juan Palencia) & resmes. (Joan Morell)
Photos: Xim Izquierdo
As Found is a family of outdoor furniture pieces designed with reclaimed components from the construction industry. Based on the principles of Design for Disassembly all elements can be easily dismantled and further reused.
The project begins with the search and collection of components available from demolition and waste in the way from Palma to Inca. In a quality control laboratory a couple of blocks away from the exhibition space, discarded concrete cores are salvaged and repurposed as bases for the different pieces.

From this found resource, and utilizing disparate components -plumbing pipes, gratings, etc.- found in other locations -waste management plants, scrapyards, industrial facilities, etc.-, different objects are created as prototypes of a local circular use of resources, fostering a sustainable future.

AF Low table: Reclaimed concrete cores, polyester strap with stainless steel buckle.
The elements fit the patio like site specific pieces.

AF bench and stool: Reclaimed concrete cores, reclaimed galvanised steel tramex board, polyester strap with stainless steel buckle.
The elements fit the patio like site specific pieces.

AF shower: Reclaimed concrete cores, reclaimed copper pipe segments, polyester strap with stainless steel buckle, hose.
The shower is mounted with assorted elements to create a unique and singular shape. The water comes from an external hose and uses a T-shape segment to lead the water outlet.

AF Lamp: Reclaimed concrete cores, polyester strap with stainless steel buckle, reclaimed copper pipe, cable, lightbulb.
The lamp explores the potential of the standard plumbing pipe system, allowing to place the lamp in different positions and supports.


This project was developed within the 110 Open Lab, an event organized and curated by Chiara Ferrari, where twelve creatives presented their latest experimentations in the form of physical products that perform and interact with space and people.
We accept requests for a unique As Found piece. Price upon request.
Thanks to: Igetec, Adalmo, Miquel Ferrer, 2monos, Chiara Ferrari